Benefits of Remote Working

Brexit and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis have changed the face of Europe forever. The effects of these upon the economy and workforce, in particular, have been deeply felt across many of the countries affected.
With a continent in lockdown, employers have had to embrace the concept of remote working in order to stay afloat. And, as we slowly start to lift those restrictions, the question on everyone’s lips seems to be this: what is the workplace going to look like in a post-pandemic world?
Social distancing remains in place. How can we work effectively whilst still observing that? And what happens if, actually, you prefer working from home?
Prior to 2020, remote working was almost exclusively undertaken by freelancers. Now we have proved that it works just as well (if not better!) for permanent staff.
Productivity and creativity are on the rise, and apps like Zoom mean office culture isn’t completely dead; we can still have drinks all together on a Friday evening … only now we can do it in our pjs. Ideal!
Plus, it has been proven that working from home has amazing benefits for your health and well-being.
Want to know more? Read on and find out just how much of a positive impact remote working could have on your life as a whole.
1. Cuts Out Commute
Research has shown that a long-term, lengthy commute can have a serious impact upon your physical and mental health. In fact, commuting even 10 miles (16 km) each day can increase your risk of:
1 - high cholesterol
2 - high blood pressure
3 - depression and anxiety
4 - back ache
Is it any surprise, therefore, that workers who spend more time commuting are more likely to be looking for a new job as well?
Think about your commute. How long does it take each day? And how much do you spend on petrol and parking or public transport?
You could reduce both of those figures to 0 if you worked remotely.
You would also be able to sleep longer (unless you have kids to get up and get to school!) and still have time to enjoy a healthy breakfast. The health benefits alone are astronomical!
No travelling time also means you have more time to spend with your family. The school run will no longer be such a rush, and flexible hours could free up the early evening so you can eat all together and actually relax.
2. Improved Accessibility
While it is true that employers are required by law to make any reasonable adjustments to their workplace to accommodate people with disabilities, this word “reasonable” is open to interpretation and does not cover everything.
For example, an office in Amsterdam with the original, 15th century staircase still in place, may provide an ergonomic chair, but they are not required to take the staircase out and swap it for a lift for the benefit of one candidate.
Your own home, by contrast, is set up specifically to accommodate you. No matter the improvements made by your employer, you will always find it more accessible and more comfortable, because it is your space.
Remote working, therefore, will enable you to find a job that you love without having to sacrifice even the smallest measure of comfort— a win win if ever I heard one!
3. Greater Inclusivity
One of the most freeing things about remote working is the huge amount of independence it affords job seekers from a geographic perspective. You instantly have access to a huge range of international vacancies without having to worry about the stress or expense of moving.
This also means that recruiters have a bigger pool of candidates to choose from.
As such, teams who work remotely are more diverse and inclusive because employers have been able to widen their search parameters to include different socioeconomic, geographical, and cultural backgrounds.
This is more difficult when hiring is restricted to one specific location because population diversity is not an even spread.
With a wider spectrum of thought and opinion, creativity is bound to flourish. If your current environment, by contrast, feels stulted or unoriginal, why not consider making the change to remote working?
How Can We Help?
Our new platform is specially designed to match candidates looking for remote opportunities for permanent work with employers who are looking to hire someone exactly you! No other job board or professional networking site has a search feature quite like it. It is specifically tailored to remote workers, and our team of experts will work tirelessly from their homes all across the continent to connect you with recruiters and hiring managers.
If you want a healthier work / life balance—and a healthier, happier life in general—this could be just the change you need.
Get your CV ready for our rocket launch, coming September 2020.